How the Wheel Code Tab works

Whisp Support

Last Update één jaar geleden

</>Code Tab: In this tab, you can find your example code and the ability to download your whisp to run in your browser and verify that everything works.

Click on the </> link on the left side of the steps.

If you click on the button “Copy” you can copy the sample code to the clipboard a message of confirmation will appear, click OK and you will have it to paste on your backend. 

To download the sample code to test it on the desktop you click on the button “Download” and will download a file, you can double click or go to your download files and double-click the file and the Wheel will show in a new tab on your browser.

The Whisp will download to your computer for review. In Chrome it may show up as a file at the bottom left of your screen. If you do not find it there please check your downloads file. 

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