How to Edit the Floater Info Tab

Whisp Support

Last Update één jaar geleden

Info Tab: You will find the fields that you can edit as follows:

Label Floater: On that field, you can name your new Floater as you want.

Available Platforms: You can set up your Floater to be seen only on Mobile or Desktop or you can select to have them in both by selecting “All”.

Floater Type: Select Whisp.

Input Box Message: In this box, you can enter the verbiage that will be seen in the Desktop message for example “Please enter your 10-digit phone number”

Hide floater on-page button: You can enable or disable this button depending on your needs, you can hide the Floater/Button just by clicking that button.

Hiding the floater on a page is useful when you want to turn on or turn off a promotion, are out of stock, or need to make changes to the floater.

After you edit the fields as needed you can click on the “+ Save” button so you can save your new Floater/Button. 

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